Hailiang International School Educational Concept
27-year history of experience in education, with extensive resources in education, we offer an innovative education system and platform for global students. Our fundamental aim is to be among the top ranked international education providers in China and also recognized as a global leader in education. We will deliver a 21st Century education to our students, using modern technology and the most advanced approaches to teaching and learning the world has to offer.
Our Core Value
Diversity, balance, open-mindedness and respect
Our mission
We are dedicated to high-quality, diversified and holistic international education, integrating the best of China and the West. We are also committed to cultivating multilingual talents with academic excellence and global insights and perception as well.
真正实现12年一贯制的课程和培养体系。核心课程设计参考国际最成熟的英式教育体系,12年课程按(Key Stage 1,2,3,4,5)进行递进式学习。21世纪最好的教育就是融合教育。在Key Stage体系之下,学生思维能力的培养将得到最大程度的保障,同时我们将会在数学和科学上融入新加坡和中国的优质教育教学方式和教材,进一步夯实学生的学科基础。通过融合西方先进的教育体系和中国优质的基础教育,合力培养面向世界的未来领袖。
Our 12-Year consistent system is based on the comprehensive and prestigious British education system and all the courses are delivered in a progressive way. Students’ ability to think and innovate is essential under the frame of Key Stage. To enhance student learning, progress and achievement further, we also utilize advanced teaching methods and philosophy from China and Singapore especially in the delivery of Mathematics and Science. We offer a rigorous and advanced curriculum which draws on the advantages of Chinese and Western education. Integrating the prestigious high-quality Chinese basic education and the advanced Western teaching philosophy in Junior High and High school, we are nurturing students to become effective global citizens and global leaders.
Develop the skills of enquiry and critical thinking to learn and develop quicker.
Become creative thinkers with the self-discipline to maximise their learning.
Become collaborative team workers with the leadership skills to meet the challenges of the world tomorrow.
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